Final Thoughts
I am sitting at my kitchen counter writing this last post after my long journey home. I am so thankful to have been able to go on this trip and I learned and did so much, veterinarian related and otherwise, honestly more than I thought I would. I will never forget this trip, my experiences, all of the amazing people from Loop Abroad and in Thailand (both at Spicy Thai and ENP) that it made it not only possible but fantastic, and of course my fellow College Vet 1B girls (and Julia!). Although we have only known each other for 16 days it feels like we have been friends for years, and I know they would agree with me. I couldn't have asked for or imagined a better group of girls to experience everything with. Having the right people with you and on your side males everything so much better and they did just that. I was worried I wasn't going to fit in or I was going to have problems making friends but that wasn't the case at all. These girls were all so amazing and so open and ...