More Corn!

Saturday, June 21st 2014
This morning we weeded the little corn field ENP has on their property. It was fun except that we all got attacked and bitten by ants and I'm pretty sure we all came away with rashes on our arms! Most of them went away within a few hours because they were just irritation. We only did that for a few hours and then we had some time to relax before lunch so I read of course! After lunch I went to the elephant and got to see an abscess cleaned. We started really late there because someone brought a tour through and we can't work with the elephants when there are people there because the elephants get too freaked out so I didn't get to see or do much. I did get to go tubing again though!! Tubing was wonderful but unfortunately I lost my toe ring, so I am going to look for a new one. Tonight was the farewell dinner with traditional Thai food (all too spicy for me except for the fried sweet potato) and dances by the village children. After that we all got massages and headed to bed! 


  1. Well, that toe ring has been around the world so not a bad place to "leave'' it and find a new one :)


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