
Thursday, June 26th 2014
Today was surgery day!!! We learned about anesthesia and neutering then got into two groups of five to do the neuters. We did one before lunch and one after, my group did anesthesia and monitoring first and surgery second. Anesthesia and monitoring was fun and during the first surgery I took pictures for Dan (one of the guys from Spicy Thai) on his phablet! For surgery we all distributed the jobs between us and I got to cut and expose one of the testicles! After we were done with the neuters we watched Julia and Christy do an emergency surgery on a dog that came in with a huge wound on his left hind leg. It was really cool to watch them do it and to hear their discussion about what they were going to do. Then we headed back to Spicy for a night in with take out and a movie. It was a really great day and I can't wait for tomorrow!!


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