A Walk on the Wild Side

Saturday, June 28th 2014
This morning we went to the Tiger Kingdom!! It was such a blast. We got to go into the medium, small and smallest tiger enclosures and pet the tigers and take pictures with them! They are such amazing animals and we went around and saw the big tigers and the baby ones, but we couldn't pet them. I took tons of pictures and will be posting them when I get home! We also got to feed the macaws! After the Tiger Kingdom we went to the Orchid and Butterfly gardens (which is also where we had lunch, they had delicious fried bananas!) which were so beautiful! They had tons of colorful butterflies and rare orchids. After lunch we went to the Chang Dao Temple and caves. Dan taught us about temples, Buddhism, and some Thai history while we were visiting the temple. Then we hiked in the bat caves! It was so cool! The cave was so big and just kept going on, was full of bats and it was just awesome. For dinner we went to a Thai/Burmese restaurant and we had quite a scare with some flying coach roaches. After dinner we went to a market that had a lot of art so that was cool, I got an elephant panting for my room at school! After that it was time for bed!


  1. Katie will be happy to see something besides cats on your wall!


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