A Walk in the Park

Tuesday, June 17th 2014
Today was our first full day at ENP. I woke up way before my alarm so I read for a while then showered and went to breakfast (toast, fruit, cereal). After that we did our morning chore which was elephant walk today. Our Volunteer Coordiantor Jane (he is amazing! He is so funny and very nice) walked us around the park to meet some of the elephant families (the babies are so freaking cute!!). The youngest ones like to chase the dogs around and it is so funny! Then we helped feed the elephants and unloaded a whole truck of watermelons, which will only last for two days with forty elephants in the park! Lunch was really good today, they have so many different kinds of noodles! After lunch we met one of the elephant vets, watched one of the baby elephants and his family take a bath in the river, walked to the dog shelter, and saw the other animals they have at the park (like water buffalo and pigs).  The dogs got really excited about all of us being in their run so we didn't spend too much time there but we will be back tomorrow. We had a break before dinner and I got s foot massage while I read my book. After dinner we had a Thai culture class that was really interesting! We learned about their alphabet, expressions, general culture and learned a song about elephants that the kids learn very young. Then it was time for a shower and bed! 


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