Around the World in Twenty Hours

Saturday, June 14th/Sunday, June 15th 2014
Today we left for Thailand! We started out with a 15 hour flight to Hong Kong. It wasn't too bad, especially because I had already experienced a long flight like that going to New Zealand. I switched off between reading, watching movies & TV shows, and sleeping (I started and almost finished a whole book on the way here!) so it didn't seem too long. We got two meals on the flight, brunch (ham frittata with bacon and potatoes) and dinner (chicken with mashed potatoes and carrots) and they were pretty good! We got snacks along the way too. I am getting along really well with the girls so far, so that's good! After our layover in Hong Kong we took a bus to the plane to Chiang Mai and boarded it right from the runway! We got food on that flight too, I think I have eaten like 6 meals today! Once we arrived in Thailand we were greeted at the airport & brought to Spicy Thai in tok toks! The tok toks are so cool and hard to explain but it's kind of like a motorized rikshaw...kind of. The not only drive on the left here but they all drive like maniacs! And there are motorbikes everywhere!! We all got a little settled at the hostel, got our t-shirts and itineraries, then headed off to the market for dinner! We got into groups of 3 and 4, got a phone and headed off into the market. I had Pad Thai and a lychee smoothie for dinner then we did some shopping. I bought myself a little purse because I forgot one and my first pair of elephant pants (I can't wait to buy more)! Then I took a nice, cool shower and now it's time for bed. Tomorrow I head off to the Elephant Nature Park for a week!  I am so excited and it almost doesn't seem real!  Can't wait for tomorrow's adventure!!


  1. Seems like you handled the long journey like a pro! XO Mom


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