A Day at the Clinic

Thursday, June 19th 2014
Yesterday at the dog clinic the tech said she could use two extra people this morning if we could spare them because it was the other techs day off, so Julia decided it was a good idea to draw names out of a hat because we all wanted to go and I was one of them! The other 8 scooped elephant poo in the morning and Cassandra and I went to the clinic to hep out. We made dog medicine balls from rice and canned dog food and helped give morning medications. Then we all went to the village school to play with the kids, we changed first because we needed to have our knees and shoulders covered out of respect. We made and bought bracelets, played games, had tea and cookies, some people got foot massages. One of the little boys had this pet beetle that was maybe an inch/inch and a half long and was carrying him around and showing him off to us, he even tied a string to the beetle's leg (the other end of the string was tied to a stick) like a leash! After a delicious buffet lunch back at ENP I, and 7 other girls, went to the dog clinic while 2 went for their day with the elephant vet. At the clinic we did things like flush wounds, apply bandages, and give medications. I made my first leg wrap bandage which was super exciting!! After the clinic dinner we had dinner and spent the night relaxing before bed, which was early as usual! It was a great day!


  1. Seems your lucky yarn worked & got you out of poop scooping :)


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