Elephants and Dogs and Toads, Oh My!

Wednesday, June 18th 2014
It rained so much last night and this morning we woke up with cooler air, no electricity and a toad tangled in the bottom of my bug netting. We tried to get him out and he went under my bed and we couldn't get him so we just left him there. There was electricity in the main building (they have a generator) but not in the houses. This morning we worked in the elephant kitchen washing pumpkins and melons, seperating out the ripe bananas, and making medicine balls. The medicine balls were made from mashed banana (hand mashed by us), ground corn, and rice meal. It was super fun to mash them! Then we unloaded a truck of bananas before lunch. After lunch eight of us went to the dog clinic and two of us went to the elephant vet. I was at the dog clinic and we did some wound cleaning on our own then the vet nurse (they have no vet) showed/helped us with some harder cases. Julia is going to come with us to the clinic tomorrow to give her some veterinarian opinions on a few dogs. Then we went to watch a video and have a talk with Lek (the woman who started ENP) who is the most amazing woman I have ever met! Then it was time for dinner, a shower and bed. While I was in bed reading the toad hopped up into my bed and I was very startled. Once I regained my composure we used a little bucket and my coloring book to get it out side. 


  1. At least it jumped up on you while you were still awake!


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