They Gave Me a Machete

Friday, June 20th 2014
Our chore today was cutting corn! We had to wear long pants and long sleeves so we didn't get irritated by the corn or pesticides (I did get a rash on my neck from carrying the corn though!). We all climbed into the back of a truck and drove to the corn field. On the truck I was talking to one of the other volunteers and we found out that she goes to school in Scotland with one of my friends from camp! Small world!! Once we got to the field I got a machete and started cutting corn. We put the stalks in piles, the Thai men tied them up, and then we carried them to the truck. Once we finished up there we had snack time and then moved to the next field. This field had much bigger corn stalks and I just carried them to truck, no machete for me at this one! Once we finished cutting we had lunch and waited to get picked up (we wouldn't fit in the truck with all the corn!). A pickup truck came and we all got in the back and went to 7-eleven on our way back for sodas and ice cream. When we got back to ENP we got changed into water clothes and went tubing down the river. We packed the tubes into the back of a truck and got in with them to drive up the river. The river was super refreshing and relaxing (except for the old, naked guy on the bank near the end) and perfect after a day in the field! After that we all showered, went to dinner and relaxed until bed time.


  1. Compared to that mowing the lawn will seem like a piece of cake :)


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