Knots and Slides

Tuesday, June 24th 2014
Today was swab and slide day at ARK! It was so much fun! I remembered to charge my speakers last night so we could listen to music in the back of the truck on the way, so the car ride seemed much shorter. In the morning we learned about aspirates, mast cell tumors, lypomas, ear swabs, mites, skin scrapes, mange, parasites, schirmer tear tests and blood! After we learned a ton we got some dogs and did some skin scrapes, ear swabs and practiced blood smears. After a delicious lunch at ye same local restaurant we went to a clinic and used their microscope to look at all of our slides. First we had to stain them and we all ended up with purple fingers. While some people were looking at slides the others were practicing figure 8 knots and sutures for the cat and dog neuters later this week. We finished pretty early and headed back to Spicy Thai and looked at blood cells, mast cells and lypomas on the computer and listened to heart sounds. We went to Dinner at a restaurant called Kiet Num and walked around the Nimmanhaemin area for a little afterwards. We went into one store and all put on these crazy high heels that were covered in spikes. We all looked ridiculous, especially because the shoes all had werid patterns and we all had on elephant pants! After a nice night out we turned in. Tomorrow should be another exciting day!!


  1. Sounds like you guys are really 'hands on'! That is so awesome!


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