
Friday, June 27th 2014
Today was cat day!!! We went to a cat shelter to do a neuter. First we learned about how to restrain cats, typical diseas and problems they have, and did some physical exams. Unfortunately there was only one cat to neuter but everyone got to do something!  I injected some pain killers and monitored the cat while he was under anesthesia. The shelter was like cat heaven! Most of the cats got to wander all they wanted, there was tons of food for them whenever they wanted, there were beds and things to sit in/on all over, and there was a room that was outside for them to get sun. I loved being able to cuddle with cats all morning! After lunch we went back to ARK to check on the dog that had the emergency surgery yesterday and to play with the dogs of course! Then we went back to Spicy Thai to relax before the mall. At the mall we spilt into two groups of 5 to eat and shop. My group decided to buy a whole cake for our dinner! We also had smoothies and fried rice, but the cake was the highlight (all of the food was very good though!). The mall was huge with 6 floors, including an ice skating rink, and along with its height, it was long. We didn't really buy anything, just walked through stores, but we had a really great time! On our way back to Spicy and once we got there we all had a burst of energy from our high sugar dinner and had a dance party before bed. I can't believe it's almost over but I'm having so much fun!


  1. You have had a jam-packed trip! Can't wait for photos :)


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