Farewell Dinner

On Monday night, after our morning exam and Super Bowl Monday, we had our farewell dinner at Rossendale Winery down the road. But of course we had to see the farm before dinner, dresses and all! Brett raises bull beef but he uses dairy breeds because they have a better temperment. We also got to see some of the grapes and he told us all about how his winery, resturant and event/function buisness (mainly weddings)were started. We had a lovely dinner and wine tasting (I found a wine I really enjoy!) at the restaurant followed by thank yous to our guests and hosts, the recieving of our completion certificates and some awards. The awards were all very funny, I recieved the "Forgot to Count" award, and reminded us a little of why we came here in the first place. After we all took what was probably hundreds of pictures out back, we said good by to our hosts and guests and piled on to the bus to head back to Lincoln for the last time. It was a really great evening full of great food and friends and was a great way to end our trip.

(I'll be posting a good amount of pictures once I'm back in the states!)


  1. Can't wait to see you and hear more details about the trip! You are, however, heading right into a major snowstorm! Text me once you are through customs in LAX and have an update on your flight out-it may be delayed. See you soon(ish) XO Mom


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