The End of a Journey

Sadly this journey has come to an end. I was debating weither or to say that this is really the end of  journey, but it really is. Yes, I hope to come back some day but it will never be like this and with these people. I ahve had the most amazing trip and I cannot thank everyone who helped my get here enough. And money isn't the only thing I need to thank people for, even though without it this wouldn't have been possible (thank you so much Mom and Dad xo), but also the people who helped me become the woman I am today, the woman who got to experience a new country kind of on her own, with people she didn't know. I never would have been able to do all of the things I did here with as much grace, respect and responsibility if I hadn't been raised right (again, thanks Mom and Dad xo) and had all the experinces and friends I have had over the years. Like I said before, this trip was absolutely amazing and it has added some new facets to my every growing personality. I am now able to sit back and go with the flow when I need to, I am better at interacting with buisnesses and planning for groups of 28 and, what I think is the most important thing I gained from this trip, I am no longer truely afraid of being alone. All my life I have had a fear of being alone and lonely but this trip has taught me that being alone isn't so bad and also, that you are rarely truely alone, all you have to do is go out there and find someone to talk to, eat with or spend a day with. This trip has been a one of a kind experience and I will never forget it. So although it is the end of this journey, I will be starting on another one soon enough! It is back to the states for now but sooner than you think I will be saying "Thailand, here I come!".


  1. You, 'go with the flow'? This I must see to believe!! Safe travels home.......your comfy bed awaits (even if only for a few nights)!! XO Mom


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