Days One and Two

After a long one and a half days of travel all most of us wanted to do was sleep but it was barely noon here so we had to stay awake until bed time! The first thing we did was went on a little scenic tour of Christchurch with our bus driver, Robbie, who is the biggest hoot! Then we went to the mall where we all came to realize how expensive simple items such as shampoo and sunscreen are on an island. Then we cam back to the university and had dinner and did a scavenger hunt. Then we all conked out until the next morning. The following day we had our first class which was more of a spew of information about what was coming up and showing us where the computer lab is. After lunch we all went into town to go to the bank and have a look around. When we came back we all went out onto the rugby field and proceeded to play soccer, nap, read books and get sunburned. We have all now realized how very important sunscreen is here. After dinner we all went to the local pub and had (for most of us) our first legal drinks. Luckily once it got completely dark, which is around 10:30, it wasn't cloudy so we were able to lay out on the cricket field and look at the stars. The stars here are more amazing than I have ever seen. You can clearly see the Milky Way and so many other constellations! I love how well I am fitting in and making friends here, which is what I was worried about. So far so great!



  1. So glad everything is starting out well for you! Hoping you are not one of 'those' sunburned American tourists!! XO Mom

  2. theres an ozone hole over New Zealand, so you need lots of sunscreen!!

  3. That is what I was going to ask, is it the ozone hole that makes it so easy to burn?
    What a great trip. What is the purpose of the trip if I may ask? Are you studying something in particular there? Or is it all play and no work? lol Paula Mine

  4. Paula, I am studying international agriculture, but there is plenty of play too!

  5. And do tell........what WAS your first legal drink?

  6. Monteiths Crushed Apple Cider! But so far my favorite (and many others favorites) is Boysenberry Cider!


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