The First "Incident"

So yesterday (Wednesday, January 8th) was our first farm trip. During class they told us that the bus was going to pick us up after lunch, at 1:15, in front of the dorm to go and the university's dairy and sheep farms. We got out of class early had some time to relax and then after lunch we all went to go put on our boots and wait for the bus. At this point it was about 12:45 and people were going to go sit in front of the rec center to get wifi. I sat on the benches by the dorm because I didn't need wifi, I was just reading my book, and it was sunnier there (plus it was right were the bus was picking us up). So there I am reading my book and I check my watch it says it is 1:40, so I just figured the bus was late so I went over to the rec center where everyone else was before to see is Dr. Griffiths or Susan had told them anything and there was nobdy there. I walked all around and in the rec center, checked the cricket field and still nobody. I tried calling all the phone numbers but with no luck. I also knew that the dairy farm was within walking distance but I didn't know how to get there. So instead of seeing the first farm I sat on a bench and read for 4 hours and waited for everyone to come back. Luckily, I didn't get in any trouble as I was left behind and I didn't intentionally skip the trip. Apparently the bus picked up in front of the rec center and because it was late they didn't count everybody. They didn't even notice they were missing someone until half way through the dairy farm one of Susan's kids told her that "the student with the dark red hair" wasn't there. I am bummed that I missed a really cool dairy but I am pretty psyched that I didn't get in trouble for something that wasn't my fault. Obviously this means no pictures of the dairy but that's not so bad.


  1. :(
    I am glad you stayed put and didn't venture out to try and find them on your own! Maybe you could get a couple of the other kids and walk to dairy (after getting directions, of course) someday when you have a couple free hours!


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