Insanity Max Cheetah

Today we switched it up and had our lessons in the morning and did our chores in the afternoon. Between lessons and lunch, we started observing the animals we are going to be planning enrichment for. My group was assigned the Black-Backed Jackals so we sat and watched them for an hour or so and recorded their behaviors. We also watched them give the wild dogs their enrichment that we made yesterday (and cardboard animal filled with food). After lunch, we did "camp cleaning" which was making fire barriers (getting all the dry leaves and grass away from the edges of the cheetah enclosures so if there ever was a fire it wouldn't be able to spread between enclosures) and taking down dead branches and trees. For dinner, we watched the sunset and had burgers and fries on the plains. Tomorrow we leave for Kruger for a few days and I am so excited!


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