Eat or Be Eaten

Yesterday we fed the cheetahs! It was so much fun. First, we had to add in their supplements and some kibble to the meat to make sure they get a balanced diet. Then we each got turns doing the three different kinds of feedings they do depending on the cheetah. Some cheetahs get their piece of meat tossed over the fence, some get it put through a special door in their enclosure and others sit for their food and you put the bowl down in front of them. One of the cheetahs got hit in the face with his breakfast when he was trying to catch it (he isn't totally used to getting his food thrown to him yet) and when one of the girls in my group was tossing some meat over a fence it got stuck on the top and when they tried to get it down it fell on her head (which was really funny), luckily she was wearing a hat. That afternoon after a lecture about genetics and a vet talk some of us tried acupuncture which was really cool. For dinner, we all went over to one of the volunteer houses and made our own stirfry over coals. I don't have a ton of pictures from feeding but here are a few!

Emily the African Wild Cat

 This morning we fixed up some cheetah houses by attaching insulation and roofing to the outside of them. This afternoon after lunch we got to meet the cheetah cub Galaxy! She was super cute and super playful. After a lecture about conservation we finished up our enrichment for the jackals. We put some hard boiled eggs and peanut butter on top of the structure we made and put that in their enclosure and the other girls filled their paper mache balls with fruit & veggies and hung them on trees. When we left they hadn't been up on their platform yet. They knew there was food up there and just hadn't quite figured out how to get up there. After dinner, we had a game night which was really fun.

Updated house
Sam helping us update his house
Valen was very interested in the platform


  1. Thanks for the update! Bummer about technology gliche-but we'll see the pictures eventually :)
    XO Mom

  2. GALAXY = O. M. G. cuteness!!!!


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