Another Journey

In just a few days I will embark on my next journey, this time to South Africa! I will be volunteering at Feracare Wildlife Centre for 2 weeks and going on a safari in Kruger National Park for a weekend. I am so excited and cannot believe that I have yet another fantastic opportunity to see the world.

This time around I am going to try something new and do more photo based blog posts. I am going to try and take tons of pictures everyday and post the best handful from each day with a caption to put together a little walk through my day. I hope it works, I hope you enjoy it, and I hope it gives you peace of mind (mom ♡ ).

T-minus 4 days!

XOXO Meredith


  1. XO <3 So strange that I am not the one dropping you off this time..........I anxiously await your posts!


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