The Start of a Journey

Roughly 12 hours from now I will be on my first of 5 planes to an end destination of Christchurch New Zealand (and then we will load on to a bus and drive to Lincoln). Although I have flown dozens of times I have never flown alone, which I will do for the first time tomorrow as I fly from Boston to Baltimore where I will meet up with the rest of my group. Tomorrow (and then some, as we arrive in NZ on Jan 2nd due to flying over the International Date Line) will be a busy and probably tedious experience leading up to an amazing adventure across the world that I am so very grateful to be able to go on, thanks to Mom, Dad and UD. Even though this trip will be, no doubt, one of the best times of my life I am sure that it will also be tough. I have done both being away from home for extended periods of time (summer camp and college) and traveling without my family (on school trips) but despite my experience this will be something different altogether. I will be away from home for 5 weeks, in a foreign country, with people I only barely know, phone service for emergencies only and limited access to the internet (New Zealand is on "kiwi time" and is not very concerned with being "wired in"). All of these things put together will add up to one nerve-wracking, scary and amazing trip that will test my limits, put me over the edge and allow me to soar to new heights. Thank you again to everyone who made this trip possible! Family, Roommate, friends, and of course the pets, I will miss you all, but, NEW ZEALAND HERE I COME!


  1. It is a bit nerve-racking on this end too, but I know you will do GREAT and I am looking forward to reading along as you take this awesome adventure! XO Mom


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